Category: Sports


Describe the Sports Awards in India

Describe the sports awards in india is one of the most important topics to prepare for competitive exams. Questions from this topic are asked frequently in different type of exams. The major awards that...


Cricket Score Card – Follow the Game

Cricket is a game that requires a lot of hard work and patience. In case of any problem or complication in any field, a cricket team needs to have a member who can control...


Pool Table Games – Fun for All Ages

Pool games have been around for many decades. In today’s world, however, they have become increasingly popular. In particular online pool games are becoming increasingly popular. In this article we’ll go over some of...

Badminton Racket Grip Types 0

How to Swing Badminton Racket Grip Types

There are a number of different badminton racket grip types, but your primary grip will be the over the wrist grip. You can change this grip by applying pressure to both forearms at the...

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