The Transformational Potential of Flipped Classrooms

Transformational Potential of Flipped ClassroomsAt home or at school during the period of homework, students watch lessons and lectures online. Time in class, previously reserved for teacher instruction, is spent on what we called homework with teacher support as needed.

How can it improve student learning? Homework and lecture time is switched only. Students still learn through a lecture. And many online lectures are primitive videos.

There is some truth in this characterization, but it misses important insights behind the flipped orbit. If some students do not understand what is presented in the actual classroom lectures, it is very bad for them. The teacher must barrel to complete the lesson for the class, which often means too slow for some and too fast for others.

Delivering original content instruction online gives students the opportunity to rewind and re-visit a section that they do not understand or rapidly pursue through content in which they have already mastered. Students decide what to look for and when, which, theoretically, at least, gives them more ownership over their learning.

Watching lectures online may not seem very different from traditional homework reading assignments, but there is at least one important difference: class time is no longer spent taking raw materials, a largely passive process. Instead, in school, students practice problems, discuss issues, or work on specific projects. The classroom becomes an interactive environment that engages students more directly in their education.

In the flipped classroom, the teacher is available to guide the students as they apply what they learn online. One of the drawbacks of traditional homework is that students do not receive meaningful feedback on their work while they are doing so; He may have no opportunity to dispel the concepts he struggled for. With the teacher present to answer the questions and to see how the students work, the feedback cycle has greater student learning capacity.

The flipped classroom does not address all the limitations of a brick-and-mortar school. Although in the best flipped-classroom implementation, each student can move at their own pace and see lessons at home that meet his or her individual needs rather than those of the whole class, most flipped classrooms work in this way Don’t. Like Salman Khan, Flipped-Classroom’s media identity is seen in The One World Schoolhouse, “Although it makes class time more interactive and lectures more independent, the flipped classroom still ‘ The age-based courses of students still run concurrently. Similar motion with snapshot examination, which is used more to label students to address their weaknesses. This system also does not deal with the root causes of the lack of motivation built among many low achieving students.

Some media have suggested that the flip-classroom approach may only work in upper-income, suburban schools. If low-income students lack computer access at home or lack reliable Internet access, flipping may be a non-starter in some schools. If students cannot take advantage of online instruction at home, they need to receive instruction in class or risk falling behind. There is some fear that in relying on parents to provide technology and support, the flip-classroom model may exacerbate existing resource disparities. Schools can make computer labs available during after school hours, however, parental assistance is less important when watching online videos than solving homework problems.

Even if a flipped classroom provides some benefit to some low-income students, this change in structure is unlikely to lead to a vast improvement in the student learning the needs of our country. But this does not mean that innovation is unimportant. The flipped classroom can still have a significant indirect effect on the American education system, as digital is a brand of teaching. The optimal use of digital learning will vary in different contexts and communities. Some people will attend full-time virtual schools, even having a “classroom” experience online.

The flipped classroom is most effective in private schools or upper-income suburban schools. If this is how those students make the best use of digital learning, then fine. As Khan says, “Blue jeans are not cool until Hollywood starts wearing them.” In the world of digital learning, a flipped classroom maybe just a good brand.

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